AI is More Powerful Than Ever

Webuters Technologies
2 min readDec 6, 2019


AI is getting powerful everyday and has entered into our lives. It has even started replacing humans at work. It does have better decision making power than human in some ways. Artificial Intelligence has no end and no limits to the amount of work it can handle in fraction of time. Machine-learning algorithms are being used to process massive datasets and AI decision making power is being used to make the most of that data.

How AI process data and how brain does it is completely different. If a self-driving car is possible, prediction of cancer based on images is possible, than anything could happen.

AI has been used in research widely and here we have compiled a few studies that show that AI is more powerful than every. Let’s take a look.

A research titled “Real-time decoding of question-and-answer speech dialogue using human cortical activity” published in Nature Communications on 30 July 2019 stated that when a group of people listened to questions from a predetermined set and gave a response from a group of answer options, a computer program was able to correctly predict the question based on the brain activity of people most of the time.

A study titled “End-to-end lung cancer screening with three-dimensional deep learning on low-dose chest computed tomography” published in Nature Medicine on 20 May 2019 revealed an artificial intelligence program developed jointly by a team of software engineers and clinical researchers, which uses images and with 94 percent accuracy predicts which people will develop lung cancer.

A study titled “Neural population control via deep image synthesis” published in Science on 2 May 2019, found that when monkeys are shown a series of computer-generated images and their brain cell activities are recorded simultaneously then it enables the deep machine learning systems to generate new images, which ramp up the excitation of cells.

Research information source —

Wrapping Up

It would not be wrong to say that Artificial Intelligence is incredibly powerful, but it does has both good and bad side that we cannot ignore. So far it is seen that AI is being used for constructive areas, yet the biased AI exists that is being overlooked. AI beings along a lot that is questionable and the eyebrows are raised on the security aspect. Hope this post throws light on AI potential in the right way.

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